





Guest Book


Haverhill in 1890

Among the many items printed in celebration of Haverhill's 250th Anniversary were the following pictures, taken by G. M. Norwood and published by James H. Hule. The superb quality of the prints allows us to present them in this fashion with the assurance that they will be greatly enjoyed by those with an interest in this old New England town. We are preparing a new exhibit, where these photographs will be set against contemporary ones of the same views, showing the changes undergone over the last century.

The pictures have been arranged in a table format to better appreciate the scope of the exhibit. By clicking on any given image, you will be able to open a full size JPEG file bringing every detail to a full screen display. This make take some time as some files are quite large. You may then return to this page by closing the picture or clicking the "back" button of your browser.

A special word of gratitude is due to Mr. Gregory H. Laing of the Haverhill Public Library, whose kindness to the Foundation and seemingly endless knowledge of the area and its people have been of enormous value for our research projects, and instrumental in the aquisition of these and other valuable materials.


 View from the Buttonwoods (link temporarily missing)

  Bradley's Mill

Arch at Bradley's Mill

 Kenoza Lake Clubhouse

 Kenoza Lake Near Boat Landing

 Lake Saltonstall

 Main Street

River Front, Above Bridge

 Steamboat Landing

 View from Pecker Hill, Looking East

 Washington Street, from Railroad Station

 Washington Street, from Square

Webster Homestead

 Whittier's Birth Place

 Whittier's Brook

© 1998-2001 Thomas Osgood Bradley Foundation

Maintained by: SMB