8. Juan Alberto Venancio Montes , insurance broker
1La Capital, Rosario, Santa Fé, Argentina, 08 August 1932, p. 3, .
2Registro Civil de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Sección 8º, Libro de Matrimonios, Tº1º, Acta 96, 1894, . Registro Civil de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Sección 8º, Libro de Matrimonios, Tº1º, Acta 96, 1894. Copy at TOBF.
1New York Bible Society, Richard Bradley's Bible, Spanish language Edition, Presented to the passengers of the Barque Pacific, 5 December 1854, New York, 1852, Frontis. "Ages of the Family", . This Bible was kept by Richard's daughter Elvira, then by her daughter Raquel, then by her daughter Graciela who gave it to her 1st cousin Nelson Montes-Bradley. he presented it to TOBF in january 1998.
2La Capital, Rosario, Santa Fé, Argentina, 12 November 1950, .
© 1995-2001, Saul M. Montes-Bradley