36. Thomas Osgood Bradley , dry goods merchant
1Vital Records of Haverhill, Essex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849., Topsfield Historical Society, Topsfield, Mass., 1910, Vol. I, p. 44, .
2Perley, Sidney, The Essex Antiquarian, 1907, Vol XI, Nº1, 3, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131.
3Peters, Eleanor Bradley, Bradley of Essex County, The Knickerbocker Press, New York, 1915, 109, 111, . "226 V. Thomas Osgood, eigth child of Joseph and Mary Osgood, b. Andover, Aug, 12, 1798; d. Oct. 12, 1821 in S. America; md. Lucy Sutton(?)."
4Peters, Eleanor Bradley, Bradley of Essex County, 109.
5Gravestone, British Cemetery, Buenos Aires, . Source Media Type: Tombstone. " In Memory of Our Dear Parents Thomas Osgood Bradley and Lucy Ann Sutton Both natives of the United States of America God's will be done."
6British Cemetery Records, Chacarita, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Book 4, Fº 43, Line 1, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131. "Grave Section 1E, Nº 23. Number 379. 26 April 1859. Thos. O. Bradley. Æ 63. Birth Place: Haverhill, Mass.Trade: Merchant. Cause of Death: Old age. Abode: Buenos Aires. Ceremony performed by: W. Goodf ellow, Pastor, Meth. E. ch."
7North Parish Church Records, Portsmouth Athenæum, Portsmouth, NH, . "married by Rev. Isaac Putnam."
8Perley, Sidney, The Essex Antiquarian, 3. "Although the editor does not provide a marriage date, he does correctly give the name of Lucy Sutton as Thomas O. Bradley's wife."
9Index of Marriages in the Massachussets Centinel and Columbian Centinel 1784-1840, MS, Vol. I, A-B, . "Bradley, Thomas O. of Portland, m. Lucy Ann Sutton in Portsmouth (Columbian Centinel July 28, 1827)."
10Journal in Literature and Politics, Portsmouth, NH, 28 July 1827p. 3, column 3, . "Married. In this town, by Rev. Mr. Ptnam, Mr. Thomas O. Bradley, merchant of Portland, of the firm of Bradley & Dow, to Miss Lucy Ann, eldest daughter of Capt. Richard Sutton."
11State of New Hampshire, New Hampshire Vital Records, transcripts required by Chap. 21, Session Laws, 1905, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131.
37. Lucy Ann Sutton
1British Cemetery Records, Chacarita, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Book 5, Fº 164, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131. "Lucy Ann Sutton de Bradley born in U.S.A. Æ 84 years, died on 4 December 1888. Organic Vice of the Heart. Last Address: Comercio 282."
2Buenos Aires Herald, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 6 December 1888, page 3, Column 1, , 011-54-1-342-8476. "Mrs. Lucy Sutton de Bradley died on tuesday at the age of 84 years. Messrs. Thomas and Richard Bradley are sons of te deceased. The funeral will take place at 10:30 this morning in the British Cemeter y."
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