144. William Bradley , yeoman farmer
1Vital Records of Haverhill, Essex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849., Topsfield Historical Society, Topsfield, Mass., 1910, Vol. I, p. 44, .
2Perley, Sidney, The Essex Antiquarian, 1907, Vol XI, Nº1, 2, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131.
3Peters, Eleanor Bradley, Bradley of Essex County, The Knickerbocker Press, New York, 1915, 56, .
4Peters, Eleanor Bradley, Bradley of Essex County, 57.
5Perley, Sidney, The Essex Antiquarian, 3.
6Perley, Sidney, The Essex Antiquarian, 3.
7Vital Records of Haverhill, Essex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849., Vol. II, p. 42, 111.
8Wright & Potter Printing Co., State Printers, 18 Post Office Square, Boston, 1896, Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, 1896, p. 420, .
9Wright & Potter Printing Co., State Printers, 18 Post Office Square, Boston, 1896, Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, 1896, p. 420.
145. Mehitable Emerson
1Peters, Eleanor Bradley, Bradley of Essex County, The Knickerbocker Press, New York, 1915, 165, .
2Peters, Eleanor Bradley, Bradley of Essex County, 165.
146. Thomas Osgood
1Osgood, Ira, A Genealogy of the Descendants of John, Christopher and William Osgood, Edited by Eben Putnam, Salem, Mass., 1894, p. 24 & 46, .
2Abbott, Charlotte Hellen, Abbott MS, North Andover Historical Society, p. 24 & 46, North Andover Historical Society, Academy Road, North Andover, Massachusetts, USA.
3Abbott, Charlotte Hellen, Abbott MS.
4Haverhill Federal Gazzette, Haverhill, Mass., 16 November 1798, . Source Media Type: Newspaper. "At Andover, Nov. 3, Mr. Thomas Osgood aged 76 - Also, the same day his consort Mrs. Sarah Osgood, aged 79. They had lived in marriage 55 years."
5Osgood, Ira, A Genealogy of the Descendants of John, Christopher and William Osgood, p. 46.
6Vital Records of Andover to the Year 1849 - Vol. II, Marriages and Deaths, p. 258, , NS492513.
7Abbott, Charlotte Hellen, Abbott MS, p. 258.
8Wright & Potter Printing Co., State Printers, 18 Post Office Square, Boston, 1896, Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, 1903, 707, .
147. Sarah Hutchinson
1Haverhill Federal Gazzette, Haverhill, Mass., 16 November 1798, . Source Media Type: Newspaper. "See Thomas Osgood."
1Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. I - Births, The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., 1910, 362, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS473963.
2Caldwell, Augustine, Caldwell Records, William Parson Lunt. Massachusetts. 1873, 73, .
3Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. II - Marriages and Deaths, The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., 1910, 690, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS475043.
4Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. II - Marriages and Deaths, 169, 418.
149. Elizabeth Foster
1Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. I - Births, The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., 1910, 144, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS473963.
2Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. II - Marriages and Deaths, The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., 1910, 690, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS475043.
150. Dr. Josiah Lord
1Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. III, The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., 1919, 21, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS474633.
2Felt, Joseph B., History of Ipswich, Essex, and Hamilton, Charles Folsom, Cambridge, 1834, 185, . "1794, May 12th, Dr. Josiah Lord died suddenly, Æ 43."
3Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. II - Marriages and Deaths, The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., 1910, p. 619, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS475043. "Josiah, Dr., suddenly, Æ 43."
4Fewkes, E. E., Darling Papers, Volume 132, p 15a, 88b, .
5The Essex Institute, Vital Records of Marblehead, Massachussets, to the End of the Year 1849, Volume II, Marriages and Deaths, Salem, Mass., 1904, 268, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS473873.
6Felt, Joseph B., History of Ipswich, Essex, and Hamilton, p. 185.
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