288. Joseph Bradley , yeoman farmer
1Perley, Sidney, The Essex Antiquarian, 1907, Vol XI, Nº1, 2, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131.
2Peters, Eleanor Bradley, Bradley of Essex County, The Knickerbocker Press, New York, 1915, 56, .
3Vital Records of Boxford, Essex Co., MA, 21. "Bradly."
4Vital Records of Bradford, Massachussets to the End of the year 1849, Topsfield Historical Society, Topsfield, Mass., 1907, 21, .
5Peters, Eleanor Bradley, Bradley of Essex County, 56.
6Perley, Sidney, The Essex Antiquarian, 2.
7Peters, Eleanor Bradley, Bradley of Essex County, 56, 163.
8Vital Records of Haverhill, Essex Co., MA to the end of the year 1849., Topsfield Historical Society, Topsfield, Mass., 1910, Vol. II, p. 40, 162, .
9Hoyt, David W., Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts, Vol. 1, Snow & Farnham. Providence. 1897, 201, , R929.1H868v.1.
289. Hannah Heath
1Peters, Eleanor Bradley, Bradley of Essex County, The Knickerbocker Press, New York, 1915, 56, 163, .
2Hoyt, David W., Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts, Vol. 1, Snow & Farnham. Providence. 1897, 201, , R929.1H868v.1.
3Peters, Eleanor Bradley, Bradley of Essex County, 56, 163.
290. Jonathan Emerson
1Peters, Eleanor Bradley, Bradley of Essex County, The Knickerbocker Press, New York, 1915, 165, .
2Peters, Eleanor Bradley, Bradley of Essex County, 165.
3Peters, Eleanor Bradley, Bradley of Essex County, 165.
291. Hannah Day
1Peters, Eleanor Bradley, Bradley of Essex County, The Knickerbocker Press, New York, 1915, 165, .
292. Timothy Osgood
1Osgood, Ira, A Genealogy of the Descendants of John, Christopher and William Osgood, Edited by Eben Putnam, Salem, Mass., 1894, p. 14 & 24, .
2Osgood, Ira, A Genealogy of the Descendants of John, Christopher and William Osgood, p. 14 & 24.
3Osgood, Ira, A Genealogy of the Descendants of John, Christopher and William Osgood, p. 24.
293. Mary Russell
1Osgood, Ira, A Genealogy of the Descendants of John, Christopher and William Osgood, Edited by Eben Putnam, Salem, Mass., 1894, p. 24, .
296. William Sutton
1Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. I - Births, The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., 1910, 362, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS473963.
2Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. II - Marriages and Deaths, The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., 1910, 418, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS475043.
3Hammat, Abraham, The Hammat Papers, Early Inhabitants of Ipswich, Massachussets, 1633-1700, Higginson Book Company, Salem, Massachussets, 354, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131.
4Hammat, Abraham, The Hammat Papers, Early Inhabitants of Ipswich, Massachussets, 1633-1700, 354.
297. Susanna Kimball
1Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. I - Births, The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., 1910, 219, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS473963.
298. Nathaniel Foster , blacksmith
1Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. I - Births, The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., 1910, 147, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS473963.
2Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. II - Marriages and Deaths, The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., 1910, 559, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS475043.
3Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. II - Marriages and Deaths, 171, 236.
1Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. I - Births, The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., 1910, 236, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS473963.
300. Dr. Samuel "Tory" Lord , 3rd
1Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. I - Births, The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., 1910, p. 248, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS473963.
2Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. II - Marriages and Deaths, The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., 1910, p. 621, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS475043. "Tory Lord, so called. Æ90."
3Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. I - Births, Vol. I, p. 285.
301. Lucy Martin
1Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. I - Births, The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., 1910, 266, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS473963.
2Fewkes, E. E., Darling Papers, Volume 132, 88a, . "baptism."
3Vital Records of Ipswich to the Year 1849, Vol. II - Marriages and Deaths, The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., 1910, 619, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131, NS475043. ""w. Sam[ue]l, Jr., a. 77 y."."
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