150994944. Uchtred (Ecgfrith) , 3rd Earl of Northumbria, Lord of Bamburgh
1Spreight, Harry, Chronicles and Histories of Bingley and District, Elliot Stok, 62 Paternoster Row, EC, London, 1904, 74, .
2Weir, Alison, Britain's Royal Families, The Complete Genealogy, Revised Edition, Pimlico, Lodon, 1989, 1996, 23, . "1016-1018."
3Spreight, Harry, Chronicles and Histories of Bingley and District, 74.
150994948. Thorfinn II Sigurdsson , Jarl of Ornkey, Earl of Caithness
1Translated by Hermann Pálssson & Paul Edwards, Orkneyinga Saga, The History of the Earls of Ornkey, Penguin Books, London, 1981, 38, . Author unknown, it was written around 1200, almost certainly by someone associated with the intellectual center at Oddi in southern Iceland. "5 years old at the time of his father's death."
2Weir, Alison, Britain's Royal Families, The Complete Genealogy, Revised Edition, Pimlico, Lodon, 1989, 1996, 175, .
3Translated by Hermann Pálssson & Paul Edwards, Orkneyinga Saga, The History of the Earls of Ornkey, 75, 225 (chart). "He was 5 years old when his grandfather, king Malcolm, gave him the Earldom, and "for seventy years he held that rank"."
4Weir, Alison, Britain's Royal Families, The Complete Genealogy, 175. "1056-1065."
5Translated by Hermann Pálssson & Paul Edwards, Orkneyinga Saga, The History of the Earls of Ornkey, 75.
6Weir, Alison, Britain's Royal Families, The Complete Genealogy, 184.
7Translated by Hermann Pálssson & Paul Edwards, Orkneyinga Saga, The History of the Earls of Ornkey, 50.
150994949. Ingibriorg Finnsdottir of the Uplands (of Halland) , "Earl's Mother"
1The New Encyclopædia Britannica, 15th Edition, Chicago, 1993, 12:145, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131.
2Ashley, Mike, British Kings and Queens, Barnes & Noble, 395, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131.
3Weir, Alison, Britain's Royal Families, The Complete Genealogy, Revised Edition, Pimlico, Lodon, 1989, 1996, 175, .
155622976. Foulques V "the Younger" , King of Jerusalem, Comte d'Anjou
1The New Encyclopædia Britannica, 15th Edition, Chicago, 1993, 5:44, TOBF, 245 SE 1st Street, Suite 420, Miami, FL 33131.
2The New Encyclopædia Britannica, 5:44.
3The New Encyclopædia Britannica, 5:44. "states marriage in 1109."
© 1995-2001, Saul M. Montes-Bradley