155623136. William de Beauchamp was born about 1160 in Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, England. He died in 1269. He married Maud de Braose. [Parents]
155623137. Maud de Braose was born about 1165 in Bramber, Co. Sussex, England. [Parents]
155623138. Sir Thomas de Waleries
155623168. Humphrey de Bohun , Dapifer to Henry I.Humphrey married Margaret de Pîtres.
155623169. Margaret de Pîtres died on 6 Apr 1187. She was buried in Llanthony, Gloucester, England. [Parents]
155623170. Henry , 9th Earl of Northumberland, Earl of Huntingdon was born 1 about 1115 in Scotland. He died 2, 3, 4 on 12 Jun 1152 in Scotland. He was buried in kelso Abbey, Roxburghshire, England. He married Ada (Adama) (Adeline) de Warenne in 1139. [Parents]
155623171. Ada (Adama) (Adeline) de Warenne was born about 1120 in (of) Co. Surrey, England. She died 1, 2 in 1178. [Parents]
155623184. William de Braose , 1st Baron Gwentland, Baron of Brecknock, Baron Abergavenny; Sheriff of Hereford was born about 1100 in (of) Bramber, Co. Sussex, England. He died about 1192 in England. He married Bertha de Gloucester about 1150 in England. [Parents]
155623185. Bertha de Gloucester was born about 1130 in (of) Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England. [Parents]
155623186. Reginald de St. Valery was born about 1129.
155623188. Henry de Briwere was born about 1119.
155623264. Raymond , Comte de Bourgogne, Conde de Galicia & Coimbra was born about 1065 in Bourgogne, France. He died on 24 May 1107 in Grajal, Spain. He married Urraca , Condesa de Castilla in 1087 in Toledo, Spain. [Parents]
155623265. Urraca , Condesa de Castilla was born in 1081. She died on 8 Mar 1125/1126 in Saldaña, Spain. [Parents]
155623266. Ramón Borrell III , Conde de Barcelona was born in 972. He died in 1017. He married Ermensinde in 1001. [Parents]
155623267. Ermensinde was born about 974.
155623268. Henri de Bourgogne , Conde de Portugal was born in 1035. He died in 1112. He married Teresa de Castilla , Reina de Portugal before 24 Aug 1092. [Parents]
155623269. Teresa de Castilla , Reina de Portugal was born in 1070. She died on 1 Nov 1130. [Parents]
155623270. Amadeo III , Comte de Savoie is printed as #155623064.
155623271. Maud , Comtesse d'Albon is printed as #155623065.
155623288. Guy II , Comte de Ponthieu was born about 1090. He died in 1147. He married Ida before 1145. [Parents]
155623289. Ida was born about 1090.
155623290. Anselme de St. Pol was born about 1090. He died in 1174. He married Eustache de Champagne before 1145.
155623291. Eustache de Champagne was born about 1090.
155623294. Alfonso VII Raimúndez "el Emperador" , Rey de Aragón, Conde de Castilla is printed as #77811632.
155623295. Berenguela Berenguer is printed as #77811633.
156244568. Gilbert de Clare , Earl of Gloucester, Earl of hertford was born 1 about 1180 in Hertford, Hertfordshire, England. He died 2 on 25 Oct 1230 in Penrose, Brittany, France, on the way back from an expedition to Britanny. He was buried on 10 Nov 1240 in High Altar at Tewksbury. He married 3, 4 Isabella Marshal on 9 Oct 1217 in Tewksbury Abbey, Gloucestershire, England. [Parents]
156244569. Isabella Marshal was born 1 on 9 Oct 1200 in Pembroke Castle, Wales. She died 2, 3 on 17 Jan 1239/1240 in Berkhampstead, Hertfordshire, England, of jaundice contracted whilst in childbirth. She was buried in Beaulieu Abbey, Hampshire, England. [Parents]
156244570. Sir John de Lacy , Earl of Lincoln was born about 1192 in England. He died on 22 Jul 1240 in England. He married Lady Margaret (Hawise) de Quincy in England.
156244571. Lady Margaret (Hawise) de Quincy was born in 1208 in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England. She died before 30 Mar 1266 in Clerkenwell, England. [Parents]
156244600. Simon de Geneville was born about 1200 in (of) Dublin, Ireland. He married Beatrix.
156244601. Beatrix was born about 1205 in (of) Dublin, Ireland.
156244602. Gilbert de Lacy , Lord of Meath was born about 1206 in Dublin, Ireland. He died 1 in 1230. He married Isabel Bigod. [Parents]
156244603. Isabel Bigod is printed as #19452895.
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