288. Joseph Bradley , yeoman farmer
JOSEPH, Haverhill, had a garrison at his ho. wh. was surpris. 8 Feb. 1704, when his w. for the sec. time was tak. by the Ind. and carr. away, her inf. ch. b. after her capt. dying of want. Abraham, his s. liv. to 1754, at Concord, N. H. His ch. Joseph, Martha, and Sarah had been k. 11 Mar. 1697 by the Ind.
[Savage, Vol. I, 234]
300. Dr. Samuel "Tory" Lord , 3rd
2 DATE BET. 21 MAY 1777 - 21 MAY 1780
2 PLAC Private, Capt. Daniel Pillsbury's Co., 13th Massachussets Regiment, Edward Wigglesworth, Colonel
2 SOUR S099734
3 PAGE Military records, 13th Massachussets Regiment (Revolutionary War), Book Mark R.P436786, Card Numbers 35618737 and 37168223
"Samuel Lord, Jr., of Ipswich, gent., with the consent of Lucy; my wife, in consideration of 10 li., convey to Isaaac Lummus, cordwainer, land bounded by land of Jonathan Lummus, Jams harris, Benjamin Kimball and Robert Lord. 25 December 1788"
[Essex County, Mass. Registry of Deeds, Book 151, Leaf 4]
© 1995-2001, Saul M. Montes-Bradley