580. Michael Emerson
Michael was a 'cordwainer', or shoemaker, and lived his days out, at Haverhill. His first child, Hannah, married Thomas Duston, and was the heroic woman of the "Dustin Massacre" at Haverhill, 15 March 1697, being taken prisoner by the Indians and dragged off towards Canada, then making her escape just 45 days later, coming back to the frontier settlements with ten Indian scalps as proof of the deed, and collected bounty moneys for these scalps.
[History of Haverhill, Mass.]
592. Richard Sutton
List of Early Settlers of Reading and South Reading, Massachusetts from 1640 to 1700
[New England Historic Genealogical Register,Vol. 2, January 1848, 48]
601. Mary Browne
Maybe the one b. 1 Feb 1707, Dorchester, Massachusetts, USA
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