Ancestors of Saul M. Montes-Bradley


2376. Richard Kimball

Last Will and Testament of Richard Kimball

The last will and testament of Richard Kimball senr of Ipswich in Essex in new England who although weake in body yet of perfect memory doe dispose of my lands and estate in maner & form as followeth.

To my Loveinge wife my will is that she shall dwell in my house and have the Improvement of my ground and meadow belonging thereto with the use and increase of my whole stock of cattle, one whole yeare after my decease, and then at the years end, the forty pound due to her according to contract at marriage to be payd her and that hous-hold stuff she brought with her. And to have liberty to live in the parlor end of the house, the roome we now lodge in: and liberty for her nesessary vse of some part of sellar: also the liberty of one cow in the pasture, the executors to provide winter meate for the same, and to have a quarter part of the fruit of the orchard, and firewood as long as she lives ther. And if she desire to remove to her owne house, then to be sett in it with what she have by my executors and to be alowed forty shillings yearly as long as shee lives.

And to my Eldest son Henry, my will is to give his three score and ten pounds to bee payd Twenty pounds a year and half after my decease, and the remaining part in the two years following after that.

To my son Richard I give fforty pounds.

To my son John I give twenty pounds.

To my son Thomas I give Twenty five pounds to bee payd two years and a halfe after my decease, and to his children I give seaven pounds to be devided equally among them and payd as they come of age or at day of marriage, provided if any dye before their share to be distributed equally amongst the rest.

And to my son Benjamin, besides the two oxen already received I give the sum of twenty five pounds, ten pounds to be payd a yeare and a halfe after my decease. The rest the two years ffollowing, also to his children I give five pounds, equally to be devyded, and payd, as they come of age or at day of marriage, in case any dye before, that part to be equally divided to the rest.

And to my son Caleb I give that peace of land knowne by the name Tings lott, and all my land att Wattells neck with my marsh at the hundreds knowne by the name of Wiatts marsh, and all my working tools exsept two axes all to be delivered present after my discease also I give fourteen pounds to his seven children equally to be devided to be payd as they come of age or at Day of mariage, and if any dye before, that part to be equally devided amongst the rest.

To my son-in-law John Severns, I give ten pounds to be payd two years & a halfe after my decease.

And to my Daughter Elizabeth, I give thirty pounds, ten pound to be payd, a year & halfe after my decease, and the other two parts, the two following years after that.

To my Daughter Mary I give ten pounds, five pound to be payd a year & halfe after my decease, the other five pound the year after that.

To my daughter Sarah I give forty pound, five pound to be payd the yeare & halfe after my decease and the rest five pound a yeare till it be all payd, also to her children I give seaven pounds ten shillings to be payd to them as they come of age or at day of marriage if any dye before, that part to be equally devyded to the rest.

And to my daughter Sarah above "sd"; I also give the bed I lye on with the furniture after one years use of it by my wife.

To my wives children viz. Thomas, Jerimiah, and Mary.

To Thomas and Mary I give forty shillings apiece to be payd a yeare & halfe after my decease, and to Jerimiah I give fifteene pounds to be payd at the age of one and twenty. I give also eight pounds to the two Eldest daughters of Gyes Cowes (that he had by his first wife) to be payd and equally devided to them at the age of sixteene, if either of them dye before then the whole to be given to that that remaines.

I also give four pounds to my Couzen Haniell Bossworth, and doe ordaine and apount my two sons above sd. Richard and John Kimball to be my lawfull and sole executors.

And my Couzen Haniell Bosworth above sayd to be my overseer that this my last will and Testament be duely and truly performed And thus I conclude with setting too my hand and seale the fifth of march 1674-5.

Richard Kemball
& a mark
& a seale.

Witnesses: Moses Pengry Senr.
Aren Pengry Senr

pr. In court at Ypswich 28 Sep 1675.

2377. Ursula Scott

Ursula Scott, married about 1615 as his first wife to Richard Kimball, who was born probably at Lawford, England, about 1595, and died in Ipswich, Massachusetts, 22 June 1676. On 10 April 1634 they embarked with their six children on the ship "Elizabeth" sailing from Ipswich, co. Suffolk. They settled at Watertown Massachusetts, where he was a freeman in 1635 and a proprietor in 1636. About 1637 they removed to Ipswich and he was there a selectman in 1645 and surveyor of fences in 1653.

2378. Humphrey Bradstreet

Humphrey Bradstreet, came from England in the "Elizabeth" in 1634 and settled in Ispwich, Mass. The Bradstreet farm in the town of Rowley, Mass., is possibly the oldest farm in America if one measures the age of the farm by the continuous relation of one family to the same land. None but a Bradstreet has ever farmed these acres since Humphrey Bradstreet had his grant from Ispwich in 1635. The farm is now run by John Bradstreet (1935).
Bradstreet was a prominent family in Massachusetts, Gov. Bradstreet being of the same family.
[Memorial of Samuel Reed and Matilda Thomas Kendall, 15 ]

IPSWICH.--A Note of the Names and ages of all the passengers which took shipping in the ELIZABETH, of Ipswich, MR. WILLIAM ANDREWS, bound for New England, the last of April, 1634.
JOHN SHERMAN .............aged 20 years.
JOSEPH MOSSE .............aged 24 years.

Years. Years.
ROSE, his wife ......} aged 50 BRIDGETT, his wife...aged } 30
EDMOND LEWIS ........} aged 33 HENRY GLOVER ........aged 24
MARY, his wife ......} aged 32 WILLIAM BLOMFIELD .} aged 30
JOHN SPRlNG..........} aged 45 SARAH, his wife ...} aged 25
ELINOR, his wife ....} aged 46 ROBERT DAY.........} aged 30
THURSTAN RAYNOR, ....} aged 40 MARY, his wife ....} aged 28
ELIZABETH, his wife..} aged 36 SARAH REYNOLDS ..... aged 20
THOMAS SKOTT.........} aged 40 ROBERT GOODALL.....} aged 30
ELIZABETH, his wife..} aged 40 KATHERINE, his wife} aged 28
HENRY KEMBALL........} aged 44 SAMUELL SMITH .....} aged 32
SUSAN, his wife .....} aged 35 ELIZABETH, his wife} aged 32
RICHARD KEMBALL .....} aged 39 THOMAS HASTINGS ...} aged 29
URSULA, his wife ....} aged SUSAN, his wife ...} aged 34
ISAAC MIXER..........} aged 31 SUSAN MUNSON ........aged 25
SARAH, his wife .....} aged 33 MARTIN UNDERWOOD, .} aged 38
MARTHA SCOTT ........ aged 60 MARTHA, his wife ..} aged 31
GEORGE MUNNING ......} aged 37 HENRY GOULDSON ....} aged 43
ELIZABETH, his wife .} aged 41 ANN, his wife......} aged 45
JOHN BERNARD.........} aged 30 ANN GOULDSLON .......aged 18
PHEBIE, his wife ....} aged 27 WILLIAM CUTTING .....aged 26
THOMAS KILBORNE .....} aged 24 JOHN PALMER .........aged 24
ELIZABETH, his wife .} aged 20 DANYOLL PIERCE.......aged 23
JOHN CROSSE..........} aged 50 JOHN CLEARKE.........aged 22
ANN, his wife........} aged 38 JOHN FIRMIN .........aged 46
ROBERT SHERIM ....... aged 32 REBECCA ISAACKE .....aged 36
ANNE DORIFALL .......aged 24

These persons above named took the oath of allegeance and supremacy at His Mats. Custom House in Ipswich, before us his Maties. Officers, according to the Order of the Lords and others of his Mats. Most Honoble Privy Councell this 12th of November, 1634.


Ipswich Custom House,

Xd. Custr. Compt.

[Emigrant Ancestors, 282,283]

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