Descendants of Danyell Broadley de West Morton

First Generation

1. Danyell Broadley de West Morton was born 1 on 26 Jan 1588/1589 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England. He died 2 on 27 Nov 1641 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England.

Bingley, July 23 1634

A Register shewinge in what Pewes or Stalls every Househoulder inhabitinge wthin the p'ishe of Bingley hath his seat or seats for his house or houses in the Church of Bingley aforesaid as well for auncient seats as alsoe for the new erected and encreased Stalls and seats in the said Church.
The names of all such persons which haue auncient seats in the longe Stalls standinge in the Sune side of the Church of Bingley.


2. In the second Stall, John Dobson de Marley, Jane Wright, widdow, late wife of Steuen Wright, Alexander Wood de East Morton, Daniell Broadley de West Morton for Butlers farme, Richard Sugden de Heynewoorth, Christofer Waineman de Preesthorppe, haue auncient seats.

8. In the eigth Stall, John Dobsone de Marley, Edward Brooksbanke for his ho: in Hardinge, Alexander Wood de East Morton, Richard Sugden de Heynewoorth, Nicholas Hudsone for Harding grainge, Christofer Waineman de Preesthorpe, Daniell Broadley de West Morton, haue auncient seats, and John Dobsone, Junior, de Marley, & Thomas Milner de Hardinge, haue the odde seat att the other side of the Pillar, and paid for it viij.

[Bingley Parish Register, op. cit. p. 153]


BRADLEY The first mention of the name in England was in 1183, at the feast of St. Cuthbert in Lent, when Lord Hugh, Bishop of Durham, caused all the revenues of his district to be described. The Survey of Bolton (Burke) mentions in Washington Roger de Bradley as holding forty acres at Bradley and rendering half marc besides forest service. The Heralds visitation for the county of York, 1563-64, in the Normanton pedigree, mentions the marriage of Arthur Normanton to Isabel, daughter of Sir Francis Bradley. This would be in the early part of the fourteenth century. Burke gives fifteen coats-of-arms to the Bradleys, many of them being variations of the same coat, having a boar's head, etc. Probably all were derived from the same family.

The first Bradleys in the United States are said to have come from the market town of Bingley, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, about twelve miles northeast of Leeds on the river Aire. The town of Bradley (or Broadlea) was about seven miles to the north of Bingley. The name Bradley is Anglo-Saxon, meaning a broad field or pasture. The father of the American pioneer of the family is not known, nor is the name of his first wife. Their son, William Bradley, according to tradition handed down in different branches of the family, was a friend of Cromwell, and the "History of Bingley, England," states that he was a major in the parliamentary army, and removed to New Haven, United States of America. He was the first of the family to come to Connecticut and sojourned for a time in Branford and Guilford, later removing to New Haven, where he took the oath of fidelity in August, 1644. He later lived in North Haven and had large landed interests there. He located on the west side of East (Quinnipiac) river, about nine miles north of New Haven, and soon gained possession of the cotters one hundred and eighty-nine acres in addition to his other lands. Thorpe's "History of North Haven" states that he was the first landowner in the village.

His stepmother, Elizabeth Bradley, with her four sons and one daughter, is said to have followed him to America in 1648. These children were: Daniel; Joshua, of New Haven; Ellen, married John Allin; Nathan, born 1638; Stephen, born 1642. She married (second) in this country, John Parmalee, who died November 8, 1659; married (third) May 27, 1663, John Evarts, who died May 10, 1669. She died in January, 1683. Both her American husbands were of Guilford.

[New England Families Genealogical and Memorial: Third Series, Volume IV, 2207]

Bingley, as seen in the early 1800's:
"Bingley with Micklethwaite, the township of East and West Morton, the hamlet of Harden and neighbourhoods.

Bingley, a small market and manufacturing town and with Micklethwaite, forms one township, in the parish of Bingley, and wapentake of Skyrack, West Riding, is 206 miles from London, 20 n.w. from Wakefield, 17 n. from Huddersfield, 11 n. from Halifax, 6 n.w. from Bradford, and about 4 e. from Keighley; situated on the direct road between the two last named towns, and upon an eminence between two pleasant valleys. The town, which consists chiefly of one long street, tolerably built, lies between the river Aire and the Leeds & Liverpool canal, the latter passing close to the town, which is of great advantage to its trade.
The worsted manufacture is carried on in this town and neighbourhood to a considerable extent; and there are several large worsted spinning establishments; others for cotton of minor importance; and several respectable concerns in the malt trade. A court house has been lately erected, in which public meetings take place; but the petty sessions, every fortnight, are still held at the Brown Cow. The places of worship are the parish church, dedicated to All Saints, a neat edifice, and chapels for baptists, independents, and methodists. In the church are some handsome monuments to the memory of several members of the Ferrand family. The living of Bingley is a discharged vicarage, in the gift of the Crown: the Rev. Richard Hartley is the vicar. Here is a free grammar school, for the sons of the inhabitants of Bingley, well endowed, and founded by royal charter, in the reign of Charles the First; and a large one upon the national system, capable of accommodating eight hundred scholars. The scenery in the neighbourhood of Bingley is very agreeable and diversified, well watered and wooded, and studded with many handsome habitations, amongst these, the seats of Walker Ferrand, Esq. Harden Grange, and Edward Ferrand, Esq. St. Ives, may be noticed as beautiful residences. The market, which is held on Tuesday, was formerly well and populously attended, but it has retrograded in advantage to the town, in proportion as that of Bradford has prospered. Two fairs are held annually, but they are not well attended; the periods are, January 25th, for horned cattle, and August 25th, 26th, & 27th, for horses, linen & pedalry. The population of Bingley parish, by the census of 1821, amounted to 7,375, and in 1831, to 9,256, of which last number 8,037 were returned for the township of Bingley and Micklethwaite.
East and West Morton, forms one township, in the parish of Bingley, about two miles from that town, and participates with it in the manufacture of articles produced from the fleece: there are also two mills for the making of paper, and one for cotton spinning and the manufacture of cotton goods. The places of worship are a chapel for Wesleyan methodists, and a small building, which is used alternately,
by congregations of primitive methodists, baptists and independents.
The township contained, in 1821, 1,199 inhabitants, and in 1831, 1,209. Harden is a hamlet, in the township of Bingley and Micklethwaite, one mile and a half therefrom. The inhabitants are chiefly employed in wool combing and weaving. Walker Ferrand, Esq. erected, and supports an infants' school, for children of the poor, from two to six years of age; in addition to reading, the girls are taught knitting and sewing.
Population of Harden returned with the township of Bingley and Micklethwaite."

"Perhaps nothing strengthened tho puritan principles more than the "Religious Exercises" which obtained at many Yorkshire towns, notably Halifax, and to a lesser degree Bingley and Bradford. Before the Civil Wars, persecution had driven staunch puritans to seek freedom on the New England
shores, and the descendants of Broadley, Parker, and other Bingley emigrants still remain in America, and write to enquire about their English ancestry."
[J. Horsefall Turner, J.P., "Ancient Bingley or Bingley, Its History and Scenery," Printed for the Author, by
Thomas Harrison and Sons, Bingley, Yorks., l897]

Danyell married 1 (1) Elsabeth Atkinson on 1 Jul 1607 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England. Elsabeth was born in 1589 in Yorkshire, England. She died in 1624/1630 in Yorkshire, England.

They had the following children:

  2 F i Agnes Broadley was born 1 on 22 Nov 1607 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England. She was christened on 20 Dec 1607 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England.
+ 3 M ii Maj. William Broadley
+ 4 M iii Daniell Broadley , yeoman farmer, miller
  5 M iv Mathew Broadley was born 1 on 3 Mar 1615/1616 in Bingley (Newclose), Yorkshire, England.

"Here is a Free School founded by Matthew Broadley, Esq. of London; who, by his Will, dated the 15th of Oct, 1647, gave to his brother Isaac Broadley, of Halifax, certain tenements, &c. within the township of Hippperholme, towards the maintenance of a Free School there: the School received a further augmentation, in 1671, from Samuel Sunderland, Esq. of Harden, near Bingley. The present rental is £114. per annum."
[Watson's Halifax. --Carlisle}
N.C.: While the previous paragraph cannot refer to this Matthew Bradley, it is tantalizing that Matthew of Halifax and London was making contributions to a Free School in Hipperholme also benefited from Samuel Sunderland, who also contributed to the Bingley school with Michael Broadley of Bingley. More needs to be researched of the family relations between this two families.
+ 6 M v Michaell Broadley
+ 7 M vi Samuell Broadley
+ 8 M vii Abraham Broadley
+ 9 F viii Marie Broadley

Danyell married (2) Annis Holdroide Liaison.

They had the following children:

  10 F ix Esther Broadley was born 1 on 10 Dec 1626 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England. She died 2 on 21 Dec 1626 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England.

Danyell married (3) Elizabeth Sheaffe about 1631. Elizabeth was born about 1601 in Yorkshire, England. She died 1 in Jan 1682/1683 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.

They had the following children:

+ 11 F x Ellin Broadley
+ 12 M xi Joshua Broadley
  13 M xii Daniell Broadley was born 1 on 8 May 1636 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England. He died 2 before 4 Jan 1657/1658 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
+ 14 M xiii Nathan Broadley
+ 15 M xiv Capt. Steuen Broadley

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