3. Maj. William Broadley (Danyell ) was born 1 on 27 Jan 1609/1610 in Shipley (Bradford), Yorkshire, England. He was christened on 8 Jul 1621 in St. Michel, Shipley, Yorkshire, England. He died 2, 3 on 29 May 1691 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He was buried in Grove Street Cemetery, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. William immigrated in 1637/1638 to New Haven, a member of the Davenport-Eaton founding expedition.
BROADLEY. One of the oldest Nonconformist families of Bingley bore this name, and their descent may be traced in the Parish Registers. It was occasionally spelt Bradley, and one of them Major William Bradley, of Cromwell's army, is traditionally said to have emigrated to New Haven, Conn. about 1643.
[J. Horsefall Turner, J.P., "Ancient Bingley or Bingley, Its History and Scenery," Printed for the Author, by
Thomas Harrison and Sons, Bingley, Yorks., l897, 238]
William married 1, 2, 3, 4 Alice Pritchard daughter of Roger Pritchard and Frances on 15 Feb 1644/1645 in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA. Alice was born about 1620 in England or Wales. She died 5, 6 on 5 Oct 1692 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
They had the following children:
+ 16 M i Joseph Bradley + 17 F ii Martha Bradley + 18 M iii Dr. Abraham Bradley + 19 M iv Isaac Bradley + 20 F v Mary Bradley + 21 M vi Serg. Benjamin Bradlee 22 F vii Esther Bradley was born 1, 2, 3, 4 on 29 Sep 1659 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. + 23 M viii Nathaniel Bradley + 24 F ix Sarah Bradley
4. Daniell Broadley , yeoman farmer, miller (Danyell ) was born 1 on 29 Aug 1613 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England. He died 2, 3 on 13 Aug 1689 in Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA, killed by Indians. Daniell immigrated 4 on 8 Apr 1635 to Embarked on the "Elizabeth" of London. He resided 6 on 19 Jun 1662 in Rowley Merrimack (Bradford), Massachusetts, USA.
In July (1681), the town met to see about the "parsonage farm," and it was finally leased to Daniel Bradley, for twenty-one years. Mr. Ward's increasing age and feebleness were doubtless the reasons for this action, though none are given.
[George Wingate Chase, History of Haverhill, 1861, reprint, New England Historical Press, 1983, 136]"On the 13th of the same month[August 1689], a small party made their appearance in the northerly part of this town, and killed Daniel Bradley. They then went to the field of Nathaniel Singletary, near by, where he and his oldest son were at work. They approached in their slow and serpent-like manner, until they came within a few rods, when they shot Singletary, who fell and died on the spot; his son attempted to escape, but was quickly overtaken and made prisoner. The Indians then Scalped Singletary, and commenced a hasty retreat ; but their prisoner soon eluded their vigilance, and returned to his home, on the same day, to make glad the hearts of his afflicted relatives. Nathaniel Singletary was a "squatter" on the parsonage lands. The marks of the cellar of his house are still to be seen, on the land now owned by Benjamin Kimball, on the Parsonage Road -a short distance northwest from the gate.
Bradley was killed on the "Parsonage Road," not far from the present Atkinson Depot""On the 30th of September, 1690, the following petition of his son, Daniel, was addressed to the Court: "To the honord cortt now siting att ipswige this may signify to your honors that whereas by the prouvi-
dence of God my father Daniel Bradly was slaine by the hand of the heathen and left no will as to the
deposing of his outward estatte I request my brother Joseph may be appointed administrator.
This request was granted."
[George Wingate Chase, History of Haverhill, 1861, reprint, New England Historical Press, 1983, 153]
Daniel Bradley’s Parsonage LeaseArticles of agreement made and ooncluded this fourteenth of July sixteen hundred eighty and two, between George Browns, Thomas Whittier, Sen., Daniel Ladd, Sen., Robert Ford, and Josiah Gage, as Selectmen of, and in the name and behalf, and by virtue of special order of the Town of Haverhill upon the north of Merrimack River, made April the 4th 1682, on the one part, and Daniel Bradley of the same place, husbandman, on behalf of himself and his heirs, and assigns, and successors on the other part, witnesseth.
1st In primis That the said Selectmen have bargained with, and therefore do hereby let, and to farm set unto the said Daniel Bradley and to his heirs and assigns for the full term of twenty-one years beginning and accounting from the twenty ninth of September next after the date hereof till the next ensuing one and twenty years be fully completed and ended: All that upland in Haverhill lying for two hundred acres, be it more or less, adjoining to land in the present possession of the said Daniel Bradley. The said Two hundred acres being commonly known by the name of the “Parsonage Farm,” laid out for the perpetual use and improvement of the Minister or Ministry of the said Town as by their order and Town act dated November 30th 1660 may appear: in the case and condition that now the land is in, as a wilderness and unimproved land: together with twelve acres, or thereabouts of meadow lying in a meadow called the Sawmill Meadow adjoining to the upland, which also by the Town orders and acts is stated to the Ministry, and annexed to the forementioned Parsonage Farm.
2. In consideration of the land and meadow so let, as abovesaid for twenty-one years the said Daniel Bradley doth hereby bind himself, and heirs, and successors, and assigns that may or shall live upon the said farm, or manage and have the improvement of all or part thereof, and every of them jointly and severally to the Selectmen now in being, and so to such as shall be annually chosen Selectmen of the place during the term, on behalf of the Town, or to each person or persons as the Town or Selectmen shall order from time to time, or for one year or for longer time, to pay to him or them the annual rent of five pounds in good and merchantable wheat, rye, barley, peas, or Indian corn, at the annual price set for the country rate; or in good barrelled, well picked beef and pork, at price current in said Town at the successive times of payment; which is, and shall be annually at or before the first of January; the first payment to be made in January next come twelve months: and the place of the delivery of the pay to be at Lt. George Browne's or Jno. Johnson, Sen.'s now dwelling places, or some other house that is, or shall be between them in Haverhill; or as near to the present Meeting-house as said Browne’s or Johnson's, or either of them are.
3. The said Daniel Bradley, for himself, and heirs, and assigns doth covenant and promise as abovesaid, that at his own cost and charge he shall and will within the space of five years next ensuing the twenty-ninth of September next break up, and fence in and plant a good orchard upon the said land, in some convenient place of the full quantity of one acre of ground with a good sort of fruit: in which orchard shall be planted not less than four score good apple trees handsomely placed as is usual in the planting of orchards: and that this orchard shall continually during the time of the lease, and till he resigns up the land to the lessor, be kept sufficiently and substantially well fenced so as to prevent any damage to be done to all or any of the trees by cattle or any sort of creatures that are wont, and may if not kept out and prevented, do damage to orchards.
4. That the said Daniel Bradley or his heirs or assigns shall not at any time during the said lease directly or indirectly, by himself or themselves or by any other person whatsoever, fall, out down, or make use of any wood or timber, straight or crooked now upon the land or tenement, or that during the term of the lease shall be upon the same, or suffer any other so to do by way of gift, sale, exchange, theft or otherwise if to him or them made known upon the penalty of the Town's, or their Selectmen's, or orders reentry forthwith upon the said tenement, and his or their being turned out of the sane and loosing the remainder of the lease, and suffering each other damages as may upon his, or their being prosecuted in law be recovered against him or them: excepting only what wood and timber, he or they, shall have need to improve for their necessary use and improvement upon the farm for building, fencing, and firewood to be improved upon the said land, and in no wise to be carried off without special and particular license from the Town or from the Selectmen from time to time. PROVIDED nevertheless that of what land he clears and doth fence in for corn land, he or they having first made use of what stuff and timber is suitable for fencing in of that piece, and the other improved land, he or they shall have liberty to carry off and dispose of the rest that is fit for posts, staves, or firewood to any other inhabitant in Haverhill to be in the said Town made use of.5. That the said Daniel Bradley by himself, or his heirs, or assigns shall build a dwelling-house and out-housing upon the said farm at his own cost and charge without any limitation for dimension and If the building at the expiration or end of this lease shall (by men to be indifferently chosen by both parties, viz., the Town or Selectmen on their order, and Daniel Bradley, or his heirs or assigns) be judged and valued to be then worth more, than ten pounds, then the Town is to pay him or them what the said building or housing shall be appraised at more than ten pounds; provided the whole sum of the valuation exceed not twenty pounds. And if they shall be estimated at more than twenty pounds, then the said Daniel Bradley, his heirs, and assigns are to bear the whole charge thereof excepting only one of the ten pounds, or half the twenty above mentioned.
6. That the said Daniel Bradley, or his heirs, or assigns shall constantly during the whole time of the lease, excepting only the three first years, keep and maintain upon the farm by the use and improvement of the said land and meadow what stock of cattle, he or they can by said improvement, that so there may be wherewithall to manure the said land, and keep it in good heart. And therefore to that end the said Daniel Bradley and his heirs and assigns, are hereby strictly obliged and bound, and do covenant with the lessor, that he or they after the first three years of the above mentioned one and twenty years lease, are expired and past, shall not directly or indirectly by him or themselves, or any other person or way or means carry off or suffer to be carried off from the said farm at any time any corn in the straw or husk; or any grass, straw, husk or hay; but that it shall be improved by maintaining and keeping a stock of cattle on the land: and that he or they shall not carry off therefrom as abovesaid any of the soil or dung that shall arise by the improvement of the said tenement but that all and every part thereof shall duly and truly be laid according to the usual rules of good husbandry upon some part of the tillage land, or improved land of the said farm or tenement for the bettering thereof.
7. That what land of the said farm the said Daniel Bradley or his heirs or assigns shall at any time break up, or improve with corn, and after some use thereof shall think meet to lay the same open and down again; he or they, the last year of their so improving, of the said land or field, shall sow the same with English grain, and with also such a convenient and sufficient quantity of good English hay seed, as is customary in such cases to be mown, that so the farm in time may be overspread with good English grass for mowing or feeding.
8. The said Daniel Bradley, or his heirs or assigns, or tenant upon the farm, shall, at the expiration of the said lease of twenty-one years, leave all the fences that shall belong to the farm in good repair fit for service. And shall leave at least fifteen acres of kindly land of the farm in good tillage case and condition within a good sufficient fence.
9. That the said Daniel or his assigns notwithstanding the expiration of his lease, or term of twenty-one years upon the twenty-ninth day of September shall have liberty to live upon the farm, and make use of the housing till the tenth of March next following for the spending of his hay and straw, etc. with his stock and for the fitting of his crop for market, and disposing of his corn.
Provided always, that the said Daniel Bradley or his assigns living there shall not hinder any other tenant that may succeed him from coming upon the farm as soon as the lease is out in September, before winter to plough and prepare, or in the winter time to provide as he shall see most for his tillage and improvement the next year.
10. The said Daniel, or his heirs or assigns or tenant upon the place, shall, at the end of his said term, (or at the said tenth of March) when he is to go off and leave the farm and buildings, leave three good leads of good hay in the housing for the use and improvement of the next tenant, or improvers of the farm in their spring work with their cattle upon the same.
In witness whereof the Selectmen on behalf on themselves and the Town on the one part, and Daniel. Bradley on behalf of himself, and heirs, and assigns, on the other part, for the confirmation of the ten foregoing articles, as they are jointly or severally concerned therein, do hereto set their hands interchangeably.George Browne }
Daniel Ladd, Sen. }
Thomas Whittier, Sen. } Selectmen.
Robert Ford }
Josiah Cage }Signed, and interchangeably
delivered in the presence of,
and owned before Daniel Bradley, Sen.Daniel Rendrick
John Griffing13: 10 m: 86. A receipt of £ 20 for four years rent is by the Selectmen this day and by the tenant’s desire is entered in this book among records of births, etc. and the original put on file with other returns for bounds.
[Town Records of Haverhill, Copy of the First Page of the Old Book of Records of the Town of Haverhill Called Therein Number Three, pp. 285-289, Haverhill Public Library)
Daniell married 1, 2, 3, 4 Mary Williams daughter of John Williams and Jane Gould on 21 May 1662 in Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA. Mary was born 5, 6 on 20 Sep 1641 in Newbury, Massachusetts, USA. She died 7, 8 on 6 Oct 1714 in Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA.
They had the following children:
+ 25 M i Daniel Bradley + 26 M ii Joseph Bradley , yeoman farmer + 27 F iii Martha Bradley 28 F iv Mary Bradley was born 1, 2 on 1 Mar 1669/1670 in Haverhill, Massachussets, USA. She died on 14 Mar 1669/1670 in Haverhill, Massachussets, USA. + 29 F v Mary Bradley 30 F vi Sarah Bradley was born 1, 2 on 19 Aug 1673 in Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 17 Jul 1738 in Kingston, New Hampshire, USA. Sarah married (1) James Beane on 3 Dec 1697 in Exeter, New Hampshire, USA. James was born on 17 Dec 1672 in Exeter, Rockingham Co., New Hampshire. He died on 6 Jan 1753 in Kingston, Rockingham Co., New Hampshire. Sarah married 1 (2) John Davenport on 28 Feb 1702/1703 in Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA. John was born in (of) Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA. + 31 F vii Hannah Bradley + 32 M viii Isaac Bradley + 33 M ix Abraham Bradley
6. Michaell Broadley (Danyell ) was born 1 on 14 Nov 1619 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England.
"Long before the Reformation, even from Wickliffe's says, the Archdeacon's Visitations shew that there was a struggle for ecclesiastical freedom amongst the Catholic clergy, and had the Reformation been kept free from state influence, and royal dictation, the church in England would have taken a Puritan basis. There was hardly any middle party between Boman Catholics and Puritans, untill the Stuarts ascended the throne. Amongst the several notable centres in Yorkshire where the Puritan element was specially maintained was Bingley. Here the religious services known as EXERCISES were held monthly, on a fixed week-day when the religiously disposed from far and near met for worship, and to hear one of the many able divines of the period expound the scriptures in a sermon of two to three hours' duration. At that time there was a frequent exchange of pulpits and we gather from such churchwarden's books as have been preserved the names of tho Exercise preachers, most of whom became founders of Nonconformist causes. The Bingley book shews that, though Craven hardly gives us any instance of a clergyman leaving his church under the Uniformity Act of 1662, puritan teaching had up to a recent date obtained in this parish. From the Bingley Churchwarden's Book we learn:
1661. Paid to preachers,:-Mr. Jackson, six days, £1 9s. 6d. Mr.Kennion, June 19, £2 other four days £2 7s. 10d. Mr. Collier, of Bradford and Haworth, 6s. Mr. Barforth, Aug. 5, ls. 6d. Mr. Marsden and his brother Mr. Marsden, 2s. 6d. Mr. Marsden two Saboth dayes 10s. Mr. Moore, ls. 6d. Mr. Browne, ls. 2d. He and Mr. Hetton, 10s. Mr. Broadley, ls. 2d. Mr. Bullough three days administration of Sacrament, 16s. Mr. Smalewood, 28 Oct., &c., 21s. 6d. cost of Mr. Thomas Smalewood and his man foure dayes, 4s. The Marsdens were two of the four sons of Ralph Marsden, Curate of Coley before Oliver Heywood, and all four were ejected ministers. Mr. Smallwood was ejected from Idle Chapel.
1672, Augt. 13, I preacht at Micael Broadleys at Morton Banks.
1677, Nov. 24. Micael Broadley & Dec. 30 Thos. Leech admitted members of Northowram Congregation.
1677, Dec 28th, Mic. Broadley, my son and I rode into Craven thro' frost and snow.
1677, Dec 30th, 30, frost broken and melted waters gave great danger to travelling, took our course by Gargrave, Skipton, travelled ou'r Rumbles moor, lodged and preacht that night at Mic. Broadley's to considerable company.
1677, Dec. 31. Munday morning I went with Mic. Broadley. Tho. Leech, Sam Wilkinson to Morton Banks, by Rumbles moor, preacht there that afternoon, god graciously helpt, lodged at Henry Turners.
1678, Sept. 10. Tu. My wife & I went to Josh. Walkers, there I preacht in Rushworth Hall to a considerable assembly. At night John Hey and Mic. Broadley spent some time ill prayer there, god helpt. Wednesday morning, god sweetly drew out my heart in family prayer, oh wt. meltings. We called at John Hollins house.
1678, Nov. 29. Micael Broadley of Bingley, being all night with me (at Northowram) told me that he had been a professor of religion many years, but I came to preach an exercise at Bingley church almost 20 years agoe upon that text 2 Cor. 4. 4, "if our gospel be hid its hid to them that are lost," his heart was so rivetted at that sermon that he thought the word was spoken to none but him, saw himself lost, yet kept councell, laments he opened not his case to me, I never knew of it til this night, blessed be god for this mercy to him, he is a gracious man.
1679, Jun 20th, 6th day, Heys came with me to Micael Broadleys at Morton Bank, where we had a solemne fast, god wonderfully melted my heart wn Jo(seph) Lister and myself were at prayer, oh, wt a day was it, blessed be god.
1679, Oct. 21, took a journey towards Craven, visited J. Foster's family, and preached at Thomas Leache's to a considerable company. In the evening the Lord assisted Thomas Leach, Michael Broadley and myself in praying for the nation.
1680, Jan. 13. 3d day, I rode to Bingley, preacht at Joshua Walkers at Rushworth Hall, on Psal. 119, 158, "I beheld the transgressors and was grieved," had a ful assembly, god assisted; at night I set Josh. Walker, Mic. Broadley, Tho. Leech a-praying, I concluded, it was a good evening, blessed be god.
1695, August 10. Monday rode to Bingley. Tuesday writ the profession of Faith. Went after prayer to Joseph Lister's, read it to them. Consulted with Mr. Farrand, Mr. Whally, Tho. Leach, Mich. Broadley &c., they thought well of it. I examined several communicants. Went to the chapel, prayed, preached. Then administered the Lord's supper to 13 or 14 after they
had subscribed that profession. Had them all at dinner at Rob. Walker's, discoursed.
Here we have evidently the formation of the Congregational "Church" at Bingley, and very properly Mr. Heywood, after thirty years casual labours at Bingley, was chosen to officiate as founder.
1698, July. Skipton Sessions, the houses of Michael Broadley, Henry ffarrar, John Hollings, Benjamin Ferrand at Harden Grange, Richard Wilkinson and Thomas Whaley, all in Bingley parish were recorded [or registered, for Quackers of Friends.]
[J. Horsefall Turner, J.P., "Ancient Bingley or Bingley, Its History and Scenery," Printed for the Author, by
Thomas Harrison and Sons, Bingley, Yorks., l897, 139-153]"In this valuable report there is much interesting matter besides the long account of the Grammar School. In 1529 land was held in Greenhill for the support of a Grammar School. The income is referred to under dates 1570, 1602, 1622, &c., and many other matters relating to the School and Charities are given in the old Church-warden's Account Book, copied by Mr. Hartley Hartley and myself. A reference in the School deed of 1605 to a messuage called Lady House or Roodford is of interest as indicating a cross dedicated to the Virgin, probably at the river-ford. Abraham Bynnes and Sybill his wife, William Wooller (died about 1597), Michael Broadley, Nicholas Walker, Thomas Howgill, the vicar, Richard Sunderland and his son Samuel must ever be remembered as the public benefactors of the early Protestant centuries, and they notify their anti-popery spirit in the School Inquisition of 1623, &c. In these enquires we learn the names of several fields belonging to the estate, Stackflat, Thompson wife-ing, Buredge close, Lightfoot close, Hanging acre, Mastall,
Woodside in Micklethwaite, Louse pasture, Poticarhills, Dubb in Micklethwaite, (evidently a pond-field), Pinfold acre, Laythorpe, Greenhill and Crossbutts in Micklethwaite, Eight acres, &c. The value of the School estate in 1831 was estimated at £400 yearly. In 1816 a National School was established by voluntary subscription and in 1820, when Dr. Hartley was Master, the Lord Chancellor decreed that the Free School should be conducted for teaching the children of the inhabitants the learned languages. It is a pity that no one connected with the school has taken the trouble to compile a list of its eminent masters and pupils."
[J. Horsefall Turner, J.P., "Ancient Bingley or Bingley, Its History and Scenery," Printed for the Author, by
Thomas Harrison and Sons, Bingley, Yorks., l897, 287-288]
He had the following children:
34 M i Michael Broadley was born 1 on 17 Oct 1647 in Coley, Yorkshire, England.
Michaell married 1 (2) Elizabeth Stones on 4 Nov 1653 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England.
They had the following children:
35 M ii Abraham Broadley was born 1 on 28 Dec 1656 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England.
"An Assesment made for [ye] present [Overseers] this 7th November, 1692, for 8 months towards ye Relief of ye poore of Hipperholme cu'Brigghouse by us whose names are underwritten
Abraham Broadley"
[J. Horsfall Turner, "History of Brighouse, Rastrick & Hipperholme", 1893]
7. Samuell Broadley (Danyell ) was born about 1620 in Bingley or in Shipley, Yorkshire, England. He died in Long Island, New York, USA, probably in Southold.
Relationship to parents uncertain but VERY probable. Connections w/Joshua in Woodbridge, NJ, see daughter Sarah
He had the following children:
36 M i James Bradley was born about 1640. He died about Sep 1704.
"Whereas JAMES BRADLEY of New York, mariner, lately died intestate, Letters of administration are granted to Richard Flemming, principal creditor, September 12, 1704."
[Abstracts of Wills Vol II 1708-1728, The New York Historical Society, 1893, p. 191
"Whereas JAMES BRADLEY of New York, mariner, lately died intestate, Letters of administration are granted to Richard Flemming, principal creditor, September 12, 1704."37 M ii Samuel Bradley was born about 1642. He died about Apr 1703 in New York, New York, USA.
SAMUEL BRADLEY. "In the name of the Lord, Amen. This 5 day of July in ye year of our Lord 1693, I, Samuel Bradley, of the city of New York, merchant, being at present in good health and being now bound on a voyage beyond the sea." "Whereas my loving brother in law, Captain William Kidd, hath been very careful of me, and hath likewise for my encouragement, now in my minority, at my desire and request, advanced and paid unto me ye sum of œ140, current money of New York, which I now employ in trade and merchandize. For and in consideration of his so great love unto me, as well as in recompense and in full satisfaction of ye said sum of money, advanced as aforesaid, I do give and bequeath unto my said loving brother in law Captain William Kidd, his heirs and assigns for ever, All that my one
half of one certain toft or lot of Ground numbered with the number 6. Situate, lying, and being within ye city of New York, in ye street commonly called and known by ye name of ye Dock street. And likewise all that my one half of a certain messuage or dwelling house and lot lying and being in ye street commonly called by ye name of ye Wall street. And also that my lot or Toft of ground in ye new street, without ye gate of ye said city, called King street. I will that all my goods and chattels be equally divided into three parts, amongst my loving father, Samuel Bradley, my brother in law, William Kidd, and my loving brother, Henry Bradley. And lastly I constitute and appoint my said brother in law, Captain William Kidd, to be executor.
Witnesses, Richard Jones, William Morris, Jacob Mayle, James Graham
Edward, Viscount Cornbury, Captain-General and Governor, etc. Whereas SAMUEL BRADLEY, New York, merchant, lately died, leaving behind him his last will, therein declaring his brother in law, William Kidd, sole executor, who died without having proved the said will. And whereas Sarah Kidd, widow and relict of William Kidd, and sister to ye said Samuel Bradley, hath prayed for the administration, The same is granted, April 13, 1703, and the said Sarah Kidd is sworn as executrix.38 M iii Peter Bradley was born about 1655. Peter married Mary. Mary was born in 1657. She died 1 on 4 Jul 1724 in Southold, Long Island, New York, USA. + 39 M iv Henry Bradley + 40 F v Sarah Bradley + 41 M vi George Bradley
8. Abraham Broadley (Danyell ) was born 1 on 17 Apr 1622 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England.
1691. Abm. Broadley, Morton Banks, admitted [member of the Northowram Congregation]
1686, June 1, Tuesday, rode to Bingley; up to Morton Banks, took Ab. Broadley with me, rode on to Bent Hall in Lothersdale, cousin W. Whitehead's. 3rd, By Skipton and Silsden. Dined at Tho. Leache's, called at
Bingley; came to Joseph Lister's at Allerton.1701, 26 Dec. Abm. Broadley from Bingley dined with us.
He had the following children:
42 M i Daniell Broadley was born on 2 Sep 1676 in St. Nicholas', Liverpool, Lancashire, England.
9. Marie Broadley (Danyell ) was born 1 on 27 Dec 1624 in Bingley (Newclose), Yorkshire, England.
Marie married 1, 2, 3 Thomas Leaver on 1 Sep 1643 in Rowley (Bradford), Massachusetts, USA. Thomas died on 26 Dec 1683.
(Essex P. CCCIV: 81) Thomas Leaver's children: Thomas and Damaris Lever, Prudence and Samuel Stickney, Mary and Samuel Dresser. Mar. 1683-4.
They had the following children:
+ 43 F i Prudence Leaver 44 M ii Thomas Leaver was born about 1645. He died after 1684. Thomas married Damaris. Damaris died after 1684. 45 F iii Mary Leaver was born about 1646. She died after 1684. Mary married Samuel Dresser. Samuel died after 1684.
11. Ellin Broadley (Danyell ) was born 1, 2 on 24 Jun 1632 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England. She died in 1683 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
Ellin married 1, 2 John Alling on 14 Oct 1652 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. John was born on 22 Nov 1629. He died 3 in 1691 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
They had the following children:
46 F i Elizabeth Allen was born 1 on 11 Sep 1653 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. Elizabeth married John Hopson. John was born in (of) Guilford, Connecticut, USA. 47 F ii Lydia Allen was born 1 on 26 Dec 1656 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. Lydia married Obadiah Wilcox. 48 F iii Hannah Allen Scranton was born 1 on 26 Jul 1659 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. + 49 F iv Mary Allen 50 M v John Allen was born 1 on 13 Dec 1663 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. John married Abigail Grannia. + 51 F vi Sarah Allen 52 M vii Samuel Allen was born 1 on 24 Mar 1669/1670 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. Samuel married Sarah Sacket. 53 F viii Martha Allen was born 1 in Jun 1673 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA.
12. Joshua Broadley (Danyell ) was born 1 on 1 May 1634 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England. He died after 1717 in Woodbridge, New Jersey, USA. Joshua immigrated about 1635 to New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He resided after 1667 in Boston, MA, a, MA, but soon moved to Woodbridge, NJ (1668).
Joshua married 1, 2, 3 (1) Judith Lumbe daughter of Ann Lume on 26 May 1663 in Rowley (Bradford), Massachusetts, USA. Judith died 4 on 7 Dec 1682 in Woodbridge, New Jersey, USA.
They had the following children:
54 F i Martha Bradley was born 1, 2, 3 29 Feb 1663/64 in Rowley, Massachusetts, USA. 55 M ii Joshua Bradley was born 1, 2 on 31 Dec 1665 in Rowley, Massachusetts, USA. He died 3 on 18 Apr 1669 in Woodbridge, New Jersey, USA. 56 F iii Judith Bradley was born 1 on 16 Feb 1666/1667 in Woodbridge, New Jersey, USA. 57 M iv Joshua Bradley was born 1 on 15 Jun 1671 in Woodbridge, New Jersey, USA. 58 F v Elizabeth Bradley was born 1 on 15 Aug 1673 in Woodbridge, New Jersey, USA.
Joshua married (2) Margaret on 27 May 1684 in Woodbridge, New Jersey, USA. Margaret was born about 1650.
14. Nathan Broadley (Danyell ) was born 1, 2 on 18 Nov 1639 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England. He died 3 on 10 Mar 1712/1713 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
Nathan married (1) Hester Griswold daughter of Michael Griswold and Ann Adams about 1668. Hester was born on 8 May 1648 in Wethersfield, Connecticut, USA. She died before 1694.
They had the following children:
+ 59 F i Anne Bradley 60 F ii Abigail Bradley was born 1, 2 on 13 Mar 1671/1672 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 9 Nov 1746. Abigail married 1 Thomas Willard son of Joshua Willard on 8 Jul 1689 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. + 61 F iii Mary Bradley 62 F iv Hester Bradley was born 1, 2, 3 on 2 Nov 1674 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. She died 4, 5 on 20 Feb 1674/1675 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. 63 F v Hester Bradley was born 1, 2, 3 on 14 Apr 1677 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. Hester married Benjamin Marshall. Benjamin was born in (of) Southampton, Long Island, New York, USA. 64 M vi Daniel Bradley was born 1, 2, 3 on 10 Jun 1680 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. He died 4 on 2 Apr 1688 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. + 65 M vii Nathan Noah Bradley + 66 F viii Patience Bradley
Nathan married 1, 2 (2) Hannah Munson daughter of Capt. Thomas Munson and Joanna on 21 Aug 1694 in New Haven, Connecticut,, USA. Hannah was born 3 on 11 Jun 1648 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died 4 on 30 Nov 1695 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
Nathan married 1, 2 (3) Rachel Holton daughter of Deacon William Holton and Mary Winche on 16 May 1698 in Northampton, Connecticut, USA. Rachel was born in 1640 in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1714.
15. Capt. Steuen Broadley (Danyell ) was born 1, 2 on 21 Aug 1642 in Bingley, Yorkshire, England. He died 3, 4, 5 on 20 Jun 1702 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. He served in the military Ensign of Dragoons raised in New Haven in 1690 in King William's War. He served in the military Captain of the Trainband in 1698 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
Steuen married 1, 2, 3, 4 (1) Hannah Smith daughter of George Smith and Sarah on 9 Nov 1663 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Hannah was born 5 in 1644 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She was christened 6 on 14 Dec 1645 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died 7 about 1690.
They had the following children:
67 F i Hannah Bradley was born 1, 2 on 1 Sep 1664 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. She died 3 on 16 Dec 1692 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. Hannah married Daniel Bishop son of John Bishop and Susannah Goldham about 1688. Daniel was born 1 in 1663 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. He died 2 on 17 Apr 1751 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. 68 F ii Sarah Bradley was born 1, 2 on 14 Feb 1666/1667 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. She died 3 on 7 Oct 1667 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. + 69 M iii Stephen Bradley 70 M iv Daniel Bradley was born 1, 2 on 21 Oct 1670 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. He died 3 on 27 Jun 1703 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. + 71 F v Elizabeth Bradley + 72 M vi Lieut. Abraham Bradley 73 F vii Sarah Bradley was born 1, 2 on 17 Oct 1676 in Guilford, Connecticut, USA. Sarah married 1 Thomas Griswald on 9 May 1697. Thomas was born about 1673 in Wethersfield, Connnecticut, USA. He died 2 on 19 Oct 1729.
Steuen married 1 (2) Mary Fenn daughter of Benjamin Fenn after 1690. Mary was born in Milford, Connecticut, USA.
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